How To Know If You Have Dry Scalp Or Sensitive Scalp

In order to maintain healthy hair over the long run, you must first take care of your scalp by using a regimen of products that meets its requirements. The health of your hair is directly impacted by the condition of your scalp, which can become inflamed, itchy, and covered in buildup or dandruff.

Congested, inflamed hair follicles cannot properly absorb nutrients or develop healthy hair. This can eventually cause hair thinning or loss. Since the scalp is essentially an extension of your skin, a healthy scalp maintenance practice is equivalent to an excellent skin care practice.

Your scalp fits into a category similar to your skin, and knowing what kind it is will enable you to take care of it successfully and promote long-term scalp and hair health.

So, let’s take a closer look at the differences between a dry and sensitive scalp in Singapore.

What Is Dry Scalp

A dry scalp results from when the skin on your head loses moisture or water. Skin irritation and flaking can occur as a result of the condition. Additionally, the skin on your scalp can become inflamed and flaky.

What Causes Dry Scalp


Several things can cause a dry scalp, including:

Contact Dermatitis

You could develop contact dermatitis from the hair products you use. Contact dermatitis is a rash caused by an allergic reaction to something that causes itching and irritation. Numerous hair care treatments dehydrate your hair by removing it from its natural oils, which can aggravate your scalp.


Skin cells that are affected by psoriasis develop excessively quickly over an extended period of time. The skin’s surface develops patches of accumulated skin cells due to this rapid development. These patches are called plaques.

Hereditary causes play a big part in psoriasis. However, there are also other triggers, such as:

  • Injuries
  • Illnesses
  • Drugs
  • Alcohol
  • Cigarettes
  • Actinic keratosis


A form of pre-cancerous sun damage brought on by unprotected sun exposure is actinic keratosis, also known as solar keratosis. It’s widespread among males who have suffered hair loss due to inadequate sun protection.

Individuals over 50 who spend a lot of time outside without sun protection frequently develop actinic keratosis. Other factors to consider include genetics and family history.

What Is A Sensitive Scalp

A sensitive scalp shows any of the following symptoms:

  • Discomfort
  • Swelling
  • Tingling
  • Numbness
  • Irritation
  • Itching
  • Sensitivity


Several of these symptoms occur together frequently as a result of linked immune processes during illnesses. A sensitive scalp can be triggered by disorders affecting the blood vessels, nerves, and tissues beneath or surrounding the scalp.

What Causes Sensitive Scalp

The following are some of the most common causes of a sensitive scalp:


Scalp sensitivity may result from hair follicle infections such as:

  • Folliculitis
  • Furunculosis
  • Carbunculosis


These infections may feel hot to the touch, uncomfortable, or painful. They frequently affect the armpit, the back of the head, or the back of the neck. Pus can occasionally be squeezed out of the skin pimples formed during infections.

Children are most frequently affected by fungal scalp infections like tinea capitis and tinea versicolor, which can result in hair loss.

Temporal Arteritis

The temporal artery is a blood vessel that travels on the side of your head just in front of your ear. An inflammation of the temporal artery, which is extremely sensitive to the touch, is called temporal arteritis. This condition’s symptoms include:

  • Headaches
  • Jaw pain
  • Vision problems


 Alopecia and Hair Loss

Scalp sensitivity can also result from hair loss known as alopecia areata. Round clumps of hair fall out from the scalp and occasionally the body with this disorder.

Alopecia areata can be permanent or temporary. It may be brought on by several factors including: 

  • genes
  • hormonal changes
  • illnesses
  • natural ageing process


What Are The Differences Between Dry and Sensitive Scalp

Here’s a quick overview of the differences between dry scalp and sensitive scalp:



Dry Scalp

Sensitive Scalp

Possible Causes

Weather, dry environment, lack of moisture in body

Allergic reaction, overdoing hair care regimen

Common Symptoms

Frequent scalp itchiness, inflamed, tight feeling

Itchiness, inflammation, pain, numbness

Recommended Shampoo

Specialised anti-dandruff shampoo

Gentle/mild shampoo that doesn’t irritate skin

Recommended Treatment

Sensitive Reduction Treatment

Most individuals encounter the issue of having a dry and sensitive scalp. This condition indicates that your hair is not receiving adequate moisture, which can be incredibly unpleasant.

This anti-irritant or sensitive scalp treatment in Singapore can help to calm hypersensitive scalps. The combination of niacinamide, vitamin B5, oat protein, and green tea extracts helps reduce inflammation while enhancing scalp immune function, shielding it from further irritability.

Looking to get your first dry and sensitive scalp treatment in Singapore?

TrichoLab consists of certified and trained scalp specialists in Singapore. For more information, contact us or speak to one of our professionals at +65 6336 1106.

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