Female Hair Loss: Types, Causes, and Treatments

Female hair loss can be a distressing experience, affecting women of all ages and backgrounds. It can be confusing to understand the various types of hair loss, which can stem from reasons as varied as genetics and stress.

To help you, we’ve prepared this article covering the main points you need to know about female hair loss, while also providing treatment options like microneedling.

Common Types of Female Hair Loss

Type of female hair loss


Androgenetic alopeciaGradual hair thinning that usually starts at the crown or top of the scalp. May affect the frontal hairline.
Telogen effluviumHair shedding from hair follicles entering the resting phase (telogen). Usually caused by stress.
Alopecia areataAutoimmune disorder where the immune system attacks hair follicles, resulting in hair loss and the stifling of new hair growth.
Traction alopeciaHair loss caused by the pulling and tightening of hair strands in the same direction during styling (ponytails, braids, etc).

Causes of Female Hair Loss

1. Genetics

Genetics play a pivotal role in women’s occurrence and severity of hair loss as they age. A study conducted in 2014 on female hair loss found that over 60% of respondents who experienced female-pattern hair loss had a family member who had it as well.

2. Hormonal changes

Hormonal changes disrupt the normal hair growth cycle, leading to hair loss in women. Hair loss due to hormonal changes can happen due to three reasons: 

i)  A drop in oestrogen levels post-pregnancy

ii)  An excess of androgens (male hormones) due to medical conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

iii) Menopause 

3. Poor nutrition

Poor nutrition, such as fast food and refined carbohydrates, can contribute to hair loss. Indulging in fast food, which is often deep-fried, can increase dihydrotestosterone levels (DHT). DHT is a hormone that can disrupt normal hair growth and cause hair loss. 

4. Stress

Prolonged or severe stress can disrupt your normal hair growth cycle. Stress increases the production of cortisol, which can lead to hair shedding or thinning as hair follicles enter a resting phase and stop growing new hair. 

5. Medications

Chemotherapy drugs, blood thinners, and some brands of antidepressants can disrupt the normal hair growth cycle. These medications affect hair follicles by inhibiting their ability to produce new hair strands or by causing them to enter a resting phase prematurely.

6. Hairstyling practices

Frequently using heat styling tools and undergoing chemical treatments can damage your hair shaft , leading to hair breakage and hair loss over time. You might also want to be wary of tying your hair in a ponytail or bun as these hairstyles can place excessive tension on the hair shaft and lead to hair loss.

Hair Loss Prevention and Growth Treatments Available in Singapore

1. A scalp massage

If your hair condition is not too severe, you can try doing a scalp massage on your own. Gently massaging your scalp stimulates blood circulation, which helps nourish the hair follicles with essential nutrients and oxygen. This increased blood flow to the scalp can also promote the production of sebum, a natural oil that moisturises the scalp and keeps the hair healthy. 

To know more about scalp massages and what technique to use, read this article

You should note, though, that scalp massages only work to a certain extent provided your hair loss is not caused by genetics or hormonal reasons. Otherwise, a professional will be better placed to assess your hair condition and recommend a suitable treatment.

2. Microneedling for hair loss

hair loss treatment singapore

During this non-surgical procedure, a small device with fine needles is used to create tiny punctures in your scalp. This stimulates collagen production and promotes blood flow to the hair follicles. The end result is new hair growth and strengthening hair follicles. 

TrichoLab has a signature microneedling treatment which you can read more about here.

Looking for a scalp specialist in Singapore? Contact TrichoLab today!

Hair loss can be embarrassing but that doesn’t mean you need to feel helpless. With professional diagnosis and treatment, you can stop your hair shedding before it gets worse.

At TrichoLab, we have experience helping women of various ages with hair loss. We begin every treatment with a hair analysis to make sure we provide the right solution for every hair issue. Contact us today for a consultation.